Friday, May 8, 2009


My wife thinks I’m a Facebook addict. And I am. But the reality is there’s not that much to do on Facebook other than making the occasional list of your “Top Five ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Parodies” and reading that your old high school buddy just passed a kidney stone. It really only takes a minute or two to log onto your account, make a witty comment and log off. Granted I do that several times a day, but for me it’s an opportunity to communicate with adults. It’s a respite from saying “ahh goo” to my six month old for an hour straight and telling my 3-year-old “no” for the umpteenth time. I literally don’t talk to any adults during the day expect for the woman behind the counter at the deli, who incidentally told me the recession was over yesterday, so loosen those purse strings. Anyway, as pathetic as it sounds I feel like Facebook is providing me with some much needed balance in my day. And it’s wicked fun. :)


  1. Totally agree with you on this one. At least you are talking to humans during your day though. I spend my day talking to a four-legged beast who really only cares about me when I'm eating cheese.

  2. PS-added your blog to my blog-roll! Also, since you love Facebook so should add your blog to the Networked Blogs thingy they have. I didn't know it existed until someone added mine for me..but it's pretty useful (if you haven't done this already!).

  3. The reality is that if I didn't facebook, I would have no social (networking) life. Wouldn't FB have rocked in college?

  4. Couldn't agree with you more Rick - and I just read this to Craig. He says he is a "Facebook Widower" - that he's "lost" me to FB... I have TRIED to explain that FB is basically a replacement for a real social life, and its my window on the world - away from non-stop tantrums, etc! Plus its a good way to keep tabs on friends who I don't actually want to take the time to call... Anyway, maybe now that YOU'VE explained it, he'll understand!
