Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Welcome to my inaugural blog entry for “I Peed On My Kid! And Other Misadventures of a Stay-At-Home Dad.” Who knew picking a title would prove so difficult and even controversial? Part of the difficulty stemmed from trying to find a title that wasn’t already taken. I wanted something that would encompass my life as a writer and a primary care provider. I wanted something simple like “Hollywood Dad.” Taken. Or something that described my daily life like “Daddy Duty.” Taken. Or something vague like “The Dad Files.” Taken. My wife suggested “Raising Lesbian Supermodels” (not taken) because my stock response when someone gives me an “oh boy!” when they hear I have two daughters is, “I’m raising them to be lesbian supermodels so they’ll have all the perks of fame and good looks and never come home pregnant.” I liked the title, but it felt like a mouthful and only covered half of my agenda and it might also bring in the “wrong” kind of traffic, if you know what I mean. Not that “I Peed On My Kid!” doesn’t have the same potential to attract pervs, but it also said to me, hey, this stay-at-home parenting thing is tough! Which it is. And it’s a true story (see the sidebar for details.) Also when I asked my friends what they thought of the title it had a polarizing effect. Some people loved it and other people thought I was begging for a visit from social services. It was this controversy that cemented the name for me.


  1. Hallelujah. It is exactly what I dreamed it could be.

  2. AnthonyChapinSpencerPopeJohnToddHenryPoydarMay 6, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    Excellent title! It's about time that the tables turn on all of these babies peeing on parents anyways.

  3. Nice blog, Rick. I have to say, however, not an experience shared by all dads. I peed on the wall maybe trying to do the same thing, but you need to plan careful placement with those kids in the bathroom. Ah, but how else would we learn.

  4. Gee, mine would have read, "I dropped Nate on his head, but hey, he was fine." Funny blog.
