Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This past weekend we were in the car a lot. We had two kid’s birthday parties to attend to. We took a trip down to Irvine to see my cousins. And we also hit the outlet mall in the City of Commerce (where I scored a sweet new pair of jeans from Banana Republic.) So while we were between stops, driving all over the city, Arden says to me, “Let me know if you see any pink cars.” I said, “There’s not a lot of pink cars out there, sweetie.” And her response was, “Then keep your eyes peeled.”

As you know Arden is obsessed with princesses these days, especially those of the Disney variety. And in her effort to be a princess herself she’s asked us to teach her French because “French is fancy” and princesses are fancy. I don’t speak French. I took a C.I.A.-designed quickie course before a trip to Paris in 2003 and I remember very little. Jen’s actually pretty fluent, enough to feed Arden a new word or phrase a day. We’re actually sending Arden to a French immersion camp this summer for a couple of weeks. She couldn’t be happier. Anyway, tonight at dinner Arden said, “You forgot to teach me a French word today.” Jen said, “It’s not too late. What do you want to say?” Arden said, “I want to say Cheez-Its in French.” Jen and I looked at each other and laughed. I said, “Cheez-Its are a brand name. So there’s not really word for it.” Arden said, “What about Fromage-Its?”  Touché.  

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